2020 Sentiments: print sale
In June, in the middle of South Africa’s lockdown, I posted some thoughts on my instagram about how 2020 has altered the process of meaning-making. That was just after we transitioned to lockdown level 3 and were allowed more time outdoors to exercise, after spending weeks at home.
That was some time ago now and we’re no longer in hard lockdown. But the sentiment has stuck with me. Throughout this year, I have had a sense of reinterpretation. A feeling that I’ve been seeing and experiencing everyday things in a way I didn't understand before. This is tied to a shift in perspective, a result of coping with the emotional and psychological impacts of this transformative year. Photography has been part of that process.
I'm doing a special print run with five images from this year that most remind me of this change in perspective.
These A3 fine art prints are priced at R2200/$150. If you'd like one on your wall let me know via DM or email. The first five orders get a 10% discount!
If you're in Cape Town I'll bring your order to you but if you're further afield we'll need to add shipping costs. I'd be pleased for these to cross borders.
I hope you're getting through 2020 and whatever it’s throwing at you. I know we'll look back on this as a time of challenge but also as a time of deep change.